Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Time Tunnel

No introductions here. See sidebar for details. I'm launching this blog as a way to "say it out loud". My work involves lots of talking and listening, but my "real life" is pretty quiet. I get tired of hearing myself talk, so I avoid doing it, at least at times. Maybe this will help: to talk about the parts that really "bug" me, those irksome parts that don't have easy solutions, to put into words the struggles with my diabetes.

Time Tunnel: Backward in Time
When I was in the 4th or 5th grade, my fav TV show was Time Tunnel (along with Lost in Space). Good times. On rare occasions in the years since then, I have seen a few of these episodes, as reruns, of course. Ugh. I'm not sure what attracted me to these shows, but whatever it was, I'm not that same person. Or am I? How did I get from then 'til now? I'll title my meanderings into the past under the
heading Time Tunnel, as a warning to fasten your seat belt. Not that it will be fast or anything, but it may give a jolt.
I was 8 years old. I had not been feeling well: I didn't want to go to school, but other than a few memorable episodes of shaking uncontrollably while waiting for dinner to be made or of drinking gallons of kool-aid while at the Fair, I don't remember much about how I felt. But when my mom told me that I was sick and had to go to the hospital, I cried all the way there and promised her that I would never get sick again. That hospital stay is a foggy memory: probably a good thing. I'll share a few of the tales I do remember as I mentally sort through them.

Back to real-time. It's been an odd day, an off day. I didn't do much. I got myself rather worked up for a while about stuff going on in the family. But, it was sunny this morning; it has clouded up this evening. I'm about ready to head to the airport to pick up the spouse. The girls continue to love being outside, but they are grubby. We discovered that "The Dog Wash Resort" has ceased to exist. The girls were ready for a bath in my opinion, but in theirs, I'm sure they were relieved (or they would have been if they had brains bigger than almonds).

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